Projects & Ecosystem Overview
Projects and Ecosystem¶
MyST can be rendered and transformed by a variety of tools.
Jupyter Book
Build beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content.
Python Parser
Use the Python parser if you are working with Sphinx, JupyterBook or need to access through Python.
Javascript Parser
Use the Javascript parser to create interactive online articles, export to LaTeX, PDF or Word documents.
Write and render MyST markup directly in Jupyter Lab.
Write, render and preview MyST markup directly in VSCode.
Author MyST content and export or publish online using the CLI.
Python & Sphinx¶
Use MyST in your Sphinx or Docutils software documentation:
Sphinx compatible
Use the MyST role and directive syntax to harness the full capability of Sphinx including all existing Sphinx extensions.
Onboard from RST
Convert your RST to MyST using this lossless converter, which is designed to be a fault tolerant to get your whole project onto MyST Markdown.
Highly Configurable
Configure MyST-parser at global and individual document levels and access extended syntax features.
Python MyST Parser
Use the MyST role and directive syntax to harness the full capability of Sphinx including all existing Sphinx extensions.
Jupyter Book
Build beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content.
Command Line Interface
Render your MyST documents as Scientific PDFs, Microsoft Word documents or websites.
LaTeX Templates
Easily create and contribute data-driven templates using .
MyST Specification¶
MyST Specification
Documentation and test suites for the MyST markup language and resulting abstract syntax trees.