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Projects & Ecosystem Overview

Projects and Ecosystem

MyST can be rendered and transformed by a variety of tools.

Python & Sphinx

Use MyST in your Sphinx or Docutils software documentation:

Python MyST Parser

Use the MyST role and directive syntax to harness the full capability of Sphinx including all existing Sphinx extensions.

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Jupyter Book

Build beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content.

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mystmd Command Line Interface

Render your MyST documents as Scientific PDFs, Microsoft Word documents or websites.

See Project »

jtex LaTeX Templates

Easily create and contribute data-driven templates using LaTeX\LaTeX.

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MyST Specification

myst-spec MyST Specification

Documentation and test suites for the MyST markup language and resulting abstract syntax trees.

See Spec »

MyST MarkdownMyST Markdown
Community-driven tools for the future of technical communication and publication, part of Jupyter.