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A CoreOptions object is used to create a Config object, where any options supplied will be automatically patched with default values.

This makes it easy to start using thebe-core with minimal knowledge of the various options available, while also overriding specific defaults as needed.

An instance of a Config object is then used to construct the different runtime objects like ThebeServer and ThebeNotebook. Config by default will also create instance of the ThebeEvents object, allowing you to scope event based messaging in your app.

Connect via a BinderHub

We can configure thebe-core to connect to the public service by setting a single option.

const config = makeConfiguration({
  useBinder: true,

Override specific settings for binder by setting any of the following fields (defaults are shown):

const config = makeConfiguration({
  useBinder: true,
  binderOptions: {
    repo: 'binder-examples/requirements',
    ref: 'master',
    binderUrl: '',
    repoProvider: RepoProvider.github,

Connect directly to a Jupyter server

If you already have a Jupyter server available, connect directly by simply:

const config = makeConfiguration({});

This will use default settings to connect to a local Jupyter server. To start local server for development purposes only, use the following command:

jupyter lab --NotebookApp.token=test-secret --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*'

To connect to a different server update the server settings:

const config = makeConfiguration({
  useBinder: false, // or omit
  useJupyterLite: false, // or omit
  serverSettings: {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8888',
    token: 'test-secret',
    appendToken: true,

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