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Plugins provide powerful ways to extend and customize MyST by adding directives and roles or specific transformations on the AST that can download or augment your articles and documentation. These plugins also support custom rendering and transformation pipelines for various export targets including React, HTML, LaTeX, and Microsoft Word.

Overview of a Plugin

Plugins are executable javascript code that can modify a document source. The supported plugin types are:

Add or overwrite directives, which provide a “block-level” extension point.
For example, create a :::{proof} extension that allows for numbered proofs.
Add or overwrite roles, which provide an inline extension point.
For example, create a role for showing units, {si}`4 kg per meter squared`.
These plugins transform the document source while it is rendered.
For example, add metadata or transform a link to a DOI.

Building a Plugin

There are two ways to implement a plugin in MyST: JavaScript plugins, and executable plugins. The easiest way to get started in writing a custom plugin is to build a JavaScript plugin, but writing an executable plugin might be a better choice if you unfamiliar with JavaScript but are confident in a non-JS language e.g. Python.

JavaScript Plugins

Plugins written in JavaScript with access to helpful AST manipulation routines.

Any Executable Plugins (e.g. Python)

Plugins written in other languages which communicate with MyST over stdin and stdout.

MyST MarkdownMyST Markdown
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