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The MyST Markdown Command Line Interface (CLI) is available through NodeJS and the node package manager, npm. Node is used by Jupyter as well as many other Python packages so you may already have it installed on your PATH and the following command may just work 🀞.

πŸ› οΈ Install NodeJS, either version 18, 20, or 22

πŸ› οΈ Choose either PyPI, Conda, Mamba or NPM and run the following command:

Conda / Mamba

πŸ›  Install node (, see Installing NodeJS:

node -v
>> v20.4.0

πŸ›  Then install mystmd:

pip install mystmd

This will install myst globally (-g) on your system and add a link to the main CLI tool. To see if things worked, try checking the version with:

myst --version

This command should print the current version of the package. If all is good, you can type myst again in your terminal and it will list the help with all of the options available to you.

Updating MySTΒΆ

There are new releases of the MyST Markdown CLI every few weeks, to update to the latest version of myst, use:

npm update -g mystmd

Try the myst --version command before and after, with an update you should be on the most up to date version (see npm for the latest version!). If you are not, try npm uninstall -g mystmd or without the -g global flag, until myst is no longer available on your command line. Then try installing again!

Dependencies for LaTeX\LaTeX and PDFΒΆ

If you are exporting to LaTeX\LaTeX with an open-source template specified (see all templates) or if you are creating a PDF you will need to install a version of LaTeX.

Working with a Proxy PolicyΒΆ

MyST performs web requests to download templates, check DOIs, etc. If you are working on a network that enforces a strict proxy policy for internet access, you may specify a proxy configuration string with the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable, for example:

myst build
MyST MarkdownMyST Markdown
Community-driven tools for the future of technical communication and publication, part of Jupyter.