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Installing MyST Command Line Tools

Work locally with MyST documents and notebooks

To follow along with this quickstart tutorial on your own computer, it is helpful if you have some familiarity with using the command line, as well as using a text editor and/or JupyterLab.

πŸ›  Throughout the tutorial, whenever you’re supposed to do something you will see a πŸ› 

Installing the MyST Markdown CLI πŸ“¦ΒΆ

mystmd is a command line interface (CLI) that provides modern tooling for technical writing, reproducible science, and creating scientific & technical websites. To get started, install mystmd.

πŸ›  Install the MyST command line tools:

Conda / Mamba

πŸ›  Install node (, see Installing NodeJS:

node -v
>> v20.4.0

πŸ›  Then install mystmd:

pip install mystmd

If you have any problems, see installing MyST and or open an issue here. πŸ›

Download example contentΒΆ

We provide an example project that includes a few simple markdown files and some Jupyter Notebooks. In it’s initial state, the project is not a good example of how to use MyST, but through the course of the tutorials you will correct that by improving the metadata, adding export targets, and creating a website!

πŸ›  Download the example content[1], and navigate into the folder:

git clone
cd mystmd-quickstart

Go through the tutorials πŸš€ΒΆ

You are well on your way to getting started with myst the tutorials are written to go through in order, however, you can also jump in

πŸ›  Choose a quickstart tutorial to go on a mystical journey! πŸƒ 🎲

MyST Websites 🌎

Learn the basics of customizing a MyST Website, including sharing frontmatter between pages.

MyST Documents πŸ“‘

Learn the basics of MyST Markdown, and export to a Word document, PDF, and LaTeX\LaTeX!

MyST Markdown Guide πŸ“–

See an overview of MyST Markdown syntax with inline demos and examples.

  1. If you aren’t familiar with git, it isn’t required for this tutorial, you can download the zip file with the contents from the quickstart repository.

MyST MarkdownMyST Markdown
Community-driven tools for the future of technical communication and publication, part of Jupyter.