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Web templates allow MyST to render documents as HTML-based sites. These provide different reading experiences that are designed for different types of MyST documents. They are defined via the same templating system used for static document exporting, and a base set of web themes can be found in the jupyter-book/myst-theme repository.

Themes bundled with MyST

There are two templates for MyST websites, a book-theme, which is the default and is based loosely on Jupyter Book and an article-theme that is designed for scientific documents with supporting notebooks. The documentation for this site uses the book-theme. For a demonstration of the article-theme, you can see an article on finite volume.

Article Theme
Book Theme
Example of a banner in a site using the article-theme, (online, source)

Example of a banner in a site using the article-theme, (online, source)

Article Theme

The article theme is centered around a single document with supporting content, which is how many scientific articles are structured today: a narrative article with associated computational notebooks to reproduce a figure, document data-cleaning steps, or provide interactive visualization. These are listed as “supporting documents” in this theme and can be pulled in as normal with your Table of Contents. For information on how to import your figures into your article, see Embed and Reuse Jupyter Outputs.

The frontmatter that is displayed at the top of the article is the contents of your project, including a project thumbnail and banner. The affiliations for your authors, their ORCID, email, etc. are available by clicking directly on the author name.

Change Site Templates

To manually specify your website template, use the site.template property:

  template: article-theme

Change the template property to article-theme.

Site Options

Site options allow you to configure a theme’s behavior.[1] These should be placed in the site.options in your myst.yml. For example:

    favicon: my-favicon.ico
    logo: my-site-logo.svg

Below is a table of options for each theme bundled with MyST.

book-theme template

Simple site for displaying multiple articles and notebooks with a table of contents.

hide_toc (boolean)

Hide the table of contents

Hide the previous/next links in the footer

hide_outline (boolean)

Hide the document outline on all pages

hide_title_block (boolean)

Hide the document title on all pages

Disable the search

outline_maxdepth (number)

The maximum depth to show on the document outline, for example, 2 would show only two depths of headings (e.g. <H1> and <H2>)

twitter (string)

Twitter handle related to the site

favicon (file)

Local path to favicon image

Local path to logo image

logo_dark (file)

Local path to logo image for dark mode

logo_text (string)

Short text to display next to logo at the top of all pages

analytics_google (string)

Google analytics key

analytics_plausible (string)

Plausible analytics key

numbered_references (boolean)

Show references as numbered, rather than in APA-style. Only applies to parenthetical citations

folders (boolean)

Respect nested folder structure in URL paths

style (file)

Local path to a CSS file


article-theme template

Simple site for displaying an article with associated notebooks.

hide_toc (boolean)

Hide the table of contents

hide_footer_links (boolean)

Hide the previous/next links in the footer

hide_outline (boolean)

Hide the document outline on all pages

outline_maxdepth (number)

The maximum depth to show on the document outline, for example, 2 would show only two depths of headings (e.g. <H1> and <H2>)

twitter (string)

Twitter handle related to the site

favicon (file)

Local path to favicon image

Local path to logo image

logo_dark (file)

Local path to logo image for dark mode

logo_text (string)

Short text to display next to logo at the top of all pages

analytics_google (string)

Google analytics key

analytics_plausible (string)

Plausible analytics key

numbered_references (boolean)

Show references as numbered, rather than in APA-style. Only applies to parenthetical citations

folders (boolean)

Respect nested folder structure in URL paths

style (file)

Local path to a CSS file


Site URL Options

By default, MyST URLs only contain the file name for each page; folder structure is respected in the table of contents but is not reflected in URLs. If you would like to maintain nested folder structure in the URLs, you may set the site option folders to true. This causes each folder in your MyST directory to become a path segment. For this feature to work correctly, your chosen theme must also support folders as an option. Both book-theme and article-theme bundled with MyST support this.

    folders: true

Page Options

Depending on the option, these can also be controlled in the frontmatter on each page under the site key.
  hide_toc: true

Other top-level site configuration

There are some other top-level site configuration options not documented here. You can find them in the following two files.



  1. They are generally unique to the theme (and thus in a dedicated site.options key rather than a top-level option in site).

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