The MyST book-theme template provides out-of-the-box support for high-level landing-page blocks. By adding a small amount of annotation to your landing page, you can increase the approachability of your home page by composing it from visually-appealing blocks.
Defining a Block¶
The landing-page feature uses MyST Blocks to annotate sections of a page. Each landing-page block-type has a distinct kind
that can be defined using the +++
block syntax as follows:
+++ {"kind": "justified"}
I am a\
### Justified
A CTA that is justified to the left. At smaller screen sizes, buttons and links are placed below the description, whilst for large displays they float to right of the heading.
{button}`Go to Wiki <>`
See Justified to see how this CTA is rendered.
There are a few special block-types supported out of the box:
- A CTA consisting of a left-side image and a right-side call out with optional links and buttons.
- A CTA justified to the left of the screen with optional buttons and links aligned to the right.
- A CTA centered on the page. Where defined, buttons and links are placed below the content.
- A logo cloud section may be used to highlight prominent people, concepts, or projects. It adds a little sparkle to the existing Grids feature by centering and emboldening narrative text.
Each CTA supports a subtitle, title, and description, which must be defined in the following order:
I am a subtitle! \
I occur before the heading.
## I am a heading!
I am a description, I follow the heading.
Where a landing-page block supports links and buttons, these are pulled from anywhere in the block description, e.g.:
I am a subtitle! \
I occur before the heading.
## I am a heading!
I am a description, [I am a link!](
I follow the heading. {button}`I am a button <>`
Turning off elements on the landing page¶
It can be helpful to turn off the outline and table of contents on landing pages as well as hide the default title-block, this can be completed through the frontmatter block at the top of your index page:
title: Welcome to My Landing Page
hide_outline: true
hide_toc: true
hide_title_block: true

I am a Subtitle
A CTA that is justified to the left. At smaller screen sizes, buttons and links are placed below the description, whilst for large displays they float to right of the heading.
A CTA that is centered in the middle of the page. Buttons and links are placed below the description.
Logo Cloud¶
Logo-clouds can focus on grid-like content.

Tower Block Inc

Highways LTD

Cameras LLC