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Working with MyST Documents

Export to Markdown, PDF, Word and LaTeX

๐Ÿ›  Throughout the tutorial, whenever youโ€™re supposed to do something you will see a ๐Ÿ› 

Start MyST ๐Ÿš€ยถ

From the previous tutorial, you should already have created a myst.yml configuration file that is required to render your project. If you have not done that tutorial, type myst and follow the directions to start the server, otherwise:

๐Ÿ›  Run myst start

If this is the first time you have run myst start, the theme will be installed (takes 15-30 seconds), and then bring up a local web-server that shows you a live preview of your documents as you are writing them! Every time you save a few milliseconds later the server will update.

๐Ÿ“– Built in 33 ms.
๐Ÿ“– Built in 30 ms.
๐Ÿ“– Built 02-notebook.ipynb in 6.94 ms.
๐Ÿ“š Built 3 pages for myst in 76 ms.

      โœจโœจโœจ  Starting Book Theme  โœจโœจโœจ

โšก๏ธ Compiled in 510ms.

๐Ÿ”Œ Server started on port 3000!  ๐Ÿฅณ ๐ŸŽ‰

      ๐Ÿ‘‰  http://localhost:3000  ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

๐Ÿ›  Open your web browser to http://localhost:3000[1]

To fully explore myst start see the first quickstart tutorial on Working with MyST Websites. In this quickstart tutorial we will focus on creating printed documents! ๐Ÿ“‘

Use MyST Markdown! ๐ŸŽ‰ยถ

Next we will improve the contents of the, including the frontmatter, creating a โ€œpartโ€ for the abstract, adding citations, figures, and cross-references.

Improve the frontmatterยถ

๐Ÿ›  Open in a text editor

The start of the file includes information about the title, subtitle, author, affiliations and license. Unfortunately, this way of including this information is not easily machine-readable[2], and focuses more on style/typography than on metadata.

# How to MyST, without being mystified ๐Ÿง™

A tutorial to evolve markdown documents and notebooks into structured data

**Authors:** Rowan Cockett <sup>1,2</sup> \
**Affiliations:** <sup>1</sup> Executable Books, <sup>2</sup> Curvenote \
**License:** CC-BY

This will produce a document that looks like:

The myst theme for the page using inline document and author information.

Figureย 1:The myst theme for the page using inline document and author information.

๐Ÿ›  In Change the page frontmatter into a yaml block of data:

title: How to MyST, without being mystified ๐Ÿง™
subject: Tutorial
subtitle: Evolve your markdown documents into structured data
short_title: How to MyST
  - name: Rowan Cockett
      - Executable Books
      - Curvenote
    orcid: 0000-0002-7859-8394
license: CC-BY-4.0
keywords: myst, markdown, open-science

In this case, we are also adding additional metadata like an ORCID, as well as ensuring the license is an SPDX compatible code. Once these are added, the myst theme (in this case the book-theme template) can make it look pretty, this can also be customized by other themes, including LaTeX\LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates!

The myst theme for the page after the frontmatter changes are added. Compare this to what it looked like before in . The structure of the HTML page has also been improved, including meta tags that are available to search engines and other programmatic indexers.

Figureย 2:The myst theme for the page after the frontmatter changes are added. Compare this to what it looked like before in Figureย 1. The structure of the HTML page has also been improved, including meta tags that are available to search engines and other programmatic indexers.

Add an abstract partยถ

We will also add metadata about the โ€œpartsโ€ of our document, for example, the abstract. This will be important when we export to PDF and also visually changes the book-theme.

๐Ÿ›  In move the abstract into the frontmatter using a multiline YAML syntax abstract: |

title: How to MyST, without being mystified ๐Ÿง™
abstract: |
  We introduce, a set of open-source, community-driven ...

You can make other parts, like data_availability or acknowledgments or keypoints, templates will treat these differently and may require specific parts to fully render. See document parts for additional information.

Add a citationยถ

๐Ÿ›  In find the text citation for Bourne et al., 2012 (shown in red below), and change it to a doi based citation, as shown in green below:

- ... follow the FORCE11 recommendations (Bourne _et al._, 2012). Specifically:
+ ... follow the FORCE11 recommendations [](doi:10.4230/DAGMAN.1.1.41). Specifically:

1. rethink the unit and form of scholarly publication;
2. develop tools and technologies to better support the scholarly lifecycle; and
3. add data, software, and workflows as first-class research objects.

This will result in correct rendering of the citation (such as Bourne et al. (2012)), and automatic insertion into the references section.

๐Ÿ›  In find the text citation for Head et al. (2021), and change it to:


If you have replaced both of these citations, you can now safely remove the text-only, poorly formatted references section, as that is now auto generated for you!

๐Ÿ›  In Remove the ## References section with the two references (leave the links!)

This will have created a References section at the bottom of the page automatically!

The references are shown automatically at the bottom of the page, and linked to the correct DOI source!

Figureย 3:The references are shown automatically at the bottom of the page, and linked to the correct DOI source!

Add a figure directiveยถ

๐Ÿ›  In replace the image and paragraph with a figure directive.


**Figure 1**: Citations are rendered with a popup directly inline.


:::{figure} ./images/citations.png
:label: citations
Citations are rendered with a popup directly inline.

๐Ÿ›  If you are up for it, in replace the rest of the images with figure directives!

Add a cross-referenceยถ

๐Ÿ›  In replace the text โ€œFigure 1โ€ with a local link to the figure

- ... (see Figure 1).
+ ... (see [](#citations)).

The โ€œFigure 1โ€ text will be automatically filled in, for example, Figureย 4.

When you cross-reference content in MyST, they become hover-references, allowing you to stay in context when you are reading.
Checkout the phd thesis written in MyST, with demos of references to math, figures, tables, code, and equations.

Figureย 4:When you cross-reference content in MyST, they become hover-references, allowing you to stay in context when you are reading. Checkout the phd thesis written in MyST, with demos of references to math, figures, tables, code, and equations.

Export Documents ๐Ÿ“œยถ

Next we will start to add information to be able to export to both PDF and Word documents!

Microsoft Word Documentsยถ

๐Ÿ›  In the add export: docx to the existing frontmatter section:

export: docx

๐Ÿ›  Run myst build --docx

myst build --docx

The export process will run for any known files with docx specified in the export frontmatter. An equivalent command to export only this specific file is:
myst build

๐Ÿ“ฌ Performing exports: -> _build/exports/paper.docx
๐Ÿ“– Built in 247 ms.
๐Ÿ” Querying template metadata from
๐Ÿ• Fetching template from
๐Ÿ’พ Saved template to path _build/templates/docx/myst/default
๐Ÿ“„ Exported DOCX in 166 ms, copying to _build/exports/paper.docx

In this case, the default word template was used, resulting in a document formatted like this:

Exporting your article to docx using myst export --docx.

Figureย 5:Exporting your article to docx using myst export --docx.

Next we will see how to change the template as well as how to add additional exports when working with LaTeX\LaTeX and PDF!

Exporting to PDFยถ

To export to PDF, MyST currently requires LaTeX\LaTeX to be installed. See Scientific PDFs for more information about how to install LaTeX\LaTeX.

First, we need to decide which template to export to, for this, we will use the myst templates command, and for example list all the two-column, PDF templates available.

๐Ÿ›  List all two column PDF templates with:
myst templates list --pdf --tag two-column

arXiv (Two Column)       arxiv_two_column
Description: A two column arXiv compatible template
Tags: paper, two-column, preprint, arxiv, bioarxiv, eartharxiv

Volcanica                volcanica
Description: A template for submissions to the Volcanica journal
Tags: paper, journal, two-column, geoscience, earthscience

๐Ÿ›  Then, list the specific information needed for a template:
myst templates list volcanica --pdf

Volcanica                volcanica
ID: tex/myst/volcanica
Version: 1.0.0
Authors: Volcanica
Description: A template for submissions to the Volcanica journal
Tags: paper, journal, two-column, geoscience, earthscience

abstract (required) - No description
acknowledgments - No description
author_contributions - No description
data_availability - Links to data repositories, and/or a statement...

article_type (choice) - Details about different article types...

In addition basic information on the template, the templateโ€™s specific โ€œpartsโ€ and โ€œoptionsโ€ are shown. Some of these may be marked as (required) and be essential for the building the document correctly with the template.

๐Ÿ›  In create an exports list with docx and pdf formats.

  - format: docx
  - format: pdf
    template: volcanica
    article_type: Report

We have added a second export target for pdf and included additional information to specify the template, as well as set the article_type option, which is information we discovered when listing the template above! We also saw this template supports a number of โ€œpartsโ€ including a required abstract part, but as we already added an abstract part earlier in this tutorial, we are good to go.

You can now build the exports with the following command:

๐Ÿ›  Run myst build

๐Ÿ“ฌ Performing exports: -> _build/exports/paper.docx -> _build/exports/paper.pdf
๐ŸŒ  Converting 3 GIF images to PNG using imagemagick
๐Ÿ“– Built in 257 ms.
๐Ÿ“„ Exported DOCX in 205 ms, copying to _build/exports/paper.docx
๐Ÿ“‘ Exported TeX in 5.11 ms, copying to _build/temp/myst8BVu1k/paper.tex
๐Ÿ–จ Rendering PDF to _build/temp/mystvUibhD/paper.pdf
๐Ÿ“„ Exported PDF in 9.3 s, copying to _build/exports/paper.pdf

You can now see your two-column PDF in a submission ready format for the journal (check the _build/exports folder). It is very easy to change the template to a different format -- just change the template: field in the frontmatter! Notice also that the PDF has converted dynamic images to a static alternative (e.g. GIFs are now PNGs).

Exporting the article to a two column PDF with appropriate metadata to submit to a Journal.

Figureย 6:Exporting the article to a two column PDF with appropriate metadata to submit to a Journal.

Exporting to LaTeX\LaTeXยถ

If you would like to see the LaTeX\LaTeX source, you can look in the _build/temp directory, or you can update the

๐Ÿ›  In replace format: pdf with format: tex. Specify the output location as a zip file.

  - format: docx
  - format: tex
    template: volcanica
    article_type: Report

๐Ÿ›  Run myst build

You should see these two additional lines:

๐Ÿ“‘ Exported TeX in 4.87 ms, copying to _build/exports/paper_tex/paper.tex
๐Ÿค Zipping tex outputs to

Without specifying the output: location, this will copy the unzipped contents into the _build/exports folder along with all other exports. Creating a zip file can be helpful when directly submitted to the arXiv or a journal!

Exporting to Markdownยถ

๐Ÿ›  In create an exports list with docx, pdf and md formats.

  - format: docx
  - format: pdf
    template: volcanica
    article_type: Report
  - format: md

You can now build the exports with the following command:

๐Ÿ›  Run myst build

๐Ÿ“ฌ Performing exports: -> _build/exports/paper.docx -> _build/exports/paper.pdf -> _build/exports/
๐ŸŒ  Converting 3 GIF images to PNG using imagemagick
๐Ÿ“– Built in 257 ms.
๐Ÿ“„ Exported DOCX in 205 ms, copying to _build/exports/paper.docx
๐Ÿ“‘ Exported TeX in 5.11 ms, copying to _build/temp/myst8BVu1k/paper.tex
๐Ÿ–จ Rendering PDF to _build/temp/mystvUibhD/paper.pdf
๐Ÿ“„ Exported PDF in 9.3 s, copying to _build/exports/paper.pdf
๐Ÿ“„ Exported MD in 205 ms, copying to _build/exports/

Conclusion ๐Ÿฅณยถ

Thatโ€™s it for this quickstart tutorial!!

As next steps for specifically working with documents, we recommend looking at:

MyST Markdown Overview

A high-level of all of the syntax available to your for working with the MyST Markdown language.

To learn more about the specifics of creating MyST websites:

MyST Websites

Create a website like this one.

  1. If port 3000 is in use on your machine, an open port will be used instead, follow the link provided in the terminal.

  2. FAIR principles are at the heart of open-science, and aim to Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets. For a resource to be finable, it must be machine-readable!

  1. Bourne, P. E., Clark, T. W., Dale, R., de Waard, A., Herman, I., Hovy, E. H., & Shotton, D. (2012). Improving The Future of Research Communications and e-Scholarship (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11331). 10.4230/DAGMAN.1.1.41
MyST MarkdownMyST Markdown
Community-driven tools for the future of technical communication and publication, part of Jupyter.