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Jinja LaTeX Templates

Document Model

The document model is based on frontmatter but is modified to make it more useful for LaTeX\LaTeX templating. For example, a date is not exposed as a Date object, instead it provides day, month and year variables that can be directly used in LaTeX\LaTeX without any translation.

This is also completed with author and affiliation information, and the document model includes index and letter, which help by making it easy to have, Authora, defined in LaTeX\LaTeX with [- author.letter -].

Template Variables

The following global variables can be used when rendering the template:

This is the main content of your document.
You should include it in the body of your template with [- CONTENT -].
These include imports and math macros that are required by the content of your document.
These should be included in the head of your template with [- IMPORTS -]
The frontmatter information like title, date, authors and other Document Properties are on this object
The options for your template as defined in your template.yml options.
See Template Options for more information.
The content for each part of your document are included in this object.
To access the abstract for example, you can use [- parts.abstract -].
See Template Parts for more information.

Document Properties

The following properties are available on the doc object:

title (string)

The title of the article

short_title (string)

The short_title, often used as the running title of the document in a header.

description (string)

The description of the article, often used in header information.


An object containing day, month and year. For example:

authors (Author[])

A list of the authors with information for indexing, corresponding author, and affiliations.

See Author.

affiliations: (ValueAndIndex list)

The value, index and uppercase letter of the corresponding authors.

bibliography (string[], optional)

The file paths to the bibliography.

keywords (string[], optional)

The keywords defined in the frontmatter


The following properties are available under the doc.authors list:

name (string)
The full authors name as a string.
given_name (string)
The first part of the authors name.
surname (string)
The last part of the authors name.
email (string, optional)
The email of the author if provided.
affiliations (ValueAndIndex list)
The value, index and uppercase letter of the affiliation.
The index and letter are the same as the affiliation in the doc.affiliations list above.
corresponding: (ValueAndIndex list or undefined)
The value, index and uppercase letter of the corresponding authors.
Can be used as a condition, for example, [# if author.corresponding #]
orcid (string)
The ORCID identifier, if provided.
roles (AuthorRoles[])
Contributing roles as defined in
index (number)
The number of the author, in a list, starting counting at one.
letter (string)
The letter of the author, starting at "A". If there are more letters than 26, they will be repeated ("AA").

The authors and affiliations are often the most complex part of the template, the following statements can give you some ideas of how to use the above properties.

\author{[# for author in doc.authors #]
[# if author.corresponding #]
[#- endif #]\\
[# if author.affiliations #][--author.affiliations[0].value--]\\[# endif #]
[# if not loop.last #]
[# endif #]
[# endfor #]


[# for author in doc.authors #]
[# if author.corresponding #]
\footnotetext[[-author.corresponding.index-]]{Correspondence to: []}
[# endif #]
[# endfor #]


ValueAndIndex List

A list of objects that replaces a simple list of values, with the index and letter, this allows the template to show indexes and footnotes with letters/numbers without having to create these variables in the templating language.

The value of the entry, can be included, for example, as [- object.value -]
The index, starting at 1, which avoids you having to count or number in LaTeX\LaTeX.
The uppercase letter, starting at "A".
If there are more letters than 26, they will be repeated ("AA").
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