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Jinja LaTeX Templates


Every template defines a template.yml to define the options, parts and doc properties the template exposes and metadata of the authorship and license of the template.

Template Metadata

The template.yml defines information about the template, including who made and contributed it, the license, any tags for the template and links to the source repositories.

This information is meant for listing and searching templates in a user interface or in the command line using:
myst templates list
The following metadata fields should be included for the template to be attributed correctly.

jtex: v1
title: Title of the Template
description: Template description, describing where it is used
version: 1.0.0
license: CC-BY-4.0
  - name: Journal 42
    github: github_handle
    twitter: twitter_handle
      - Big Science
  - two-column

Template Options

The options of the templates are available as options.parameter in the template, and are added in as [- options.parameter -] in the template.tex. Options are defined under the options dictionary and look like:

  - id: paper_size
    type: choice
    description: Set the paper size for the document
    default: usletter
      - usletter
      - a4paper

Each options entry has the following fields:

id (string, required)
The name of the ID, must be unique to the template, and is how it is accessed in the template as:
[- -]
The preferred form of IDs is snake_case identifiers.
One of boolean, string, choice, frontmatter
If the type is frontmatter then the ID must be included in
title, description, authors, short_title, or keywords
title (string, optional)
The title of the property to show in user interfaces
If omitted, the title will be derived by splitting the ID on _ and capitalized.
description (string, optional)
The description of the option, this can include any information about the parameter, that might be in the template criteria.
required (boolean)
Indicate if the value is required in the frontmatter.
If this is true, then errors will be shown to the users of the template if they do not provide them.
choices (string array)
If type is "choice", then provide a list of choices that can be used by a template.
max_chars (number)
The maximum characters for this field.
The default value if not provided

Template Document

The template doc lists the frontmatter options that are required for or used by the template. These can have a required field (boolean) as well as an optional description.

  - id: title
    required: true
  - id: keywords
    description: >
      Include from three to ten pertinent keywords specific to the article; yet
      reasonably common within the subject discipline.

Template Parts

The parts of your document are various portions of the document that do not fit in the main content area. For example, an abstract, acknowledgments or data_availability are all potential parts of a document template. To define a part, add it to the parts array in your template.yml.

  - id: abstract
    description: |
      Please provide an abstract of no more than 300 words.
      Your abstract should explain the main contributions of your article,
      and should not contain any material that is not included in the main text.
    max_words: 300
    required: true

Each parts entry has the following fields:

id (string, required)
The name of the part, must be unique to the template, and is how it is accessed in the template as:
[- parts.abstract -]
The preferred form of IDs is snake_case identifiers.
title (string, optional)
The title of the property to show in user interfaces
If omitted, the title will be derived by splitting the ID on _ and capitalized.
description (string, optional)
The description of the option, this can include any information about the parameter, that might be in the template criteria.
required (boolean)
Indicate if the value is required in the frontmatter.
If this is true, then errors will be shown to the users of the template if they do not provide them.
plain (boolean)
The part must be in plain text, and will be converted to plain text in the export process.
max_chars (number)
The maximum characters for this field.
max_words (number)
The maximum words for this field.

Including parts in your template should always be added in an if-block. For example:

[# if parts.acknowledgments #]
[# endif #]

Even if the template part is required, jtex defaults to building regardless but does raise errors to the user. Many times users create documents in partially complete states, so your template should also work in a partial state!

Conditional Options and Parts

Conditional values allow additional metadata to be validated and collected if various conditions are met. These can be applied to both parts and options. For example, the following two options allow collection of a publication date if the article is published:

  - id: published
    description: Is this submission published?
    type: boolean
    default: false
  - id: publication_date
    title: Publication Date
    description: Use the form "4 May 2020"
    type: string
      id: published
      value: true

Indicate that this option is conditional on other options, for example, a journal name.

id (string)
The identifier that this condition
The value, that when met, this option is triggered on

Template Files

The files are a list of unix-style paths to files that are required by the template. The first entry should always be template.tex; this must be in the top level folder next to the template.yml. All other files may be nested in sub-folders. This list may not include folders or wildcards. Common options to include are any *.sty files or images required by the template.

  - template.tex
  - style.sty
  - citation.bst
  - custom.def
  - images/logo.png

These files, and only these files, will be copied in when using the template in myst.

Template Packages

The template packages are a list of all the used LaTeX\LaTeX packages that are already imported by the template. This is important for some processors to know, for example myst-to-tex, which will only add additional imports that are not included in this list.

To create this list, add the files first and then run jtex check --fix this will add a list of all the automatically found packages in your templates dependencies.

  - amsmath
  - amssymb
  - amsthm
  - natbib

Check your template.yml

npm install -g jtex

Navigate into your template directory and run jtex check, this will print any warnings or errors encountered.

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