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Jinja LaTeX Templates

Comparing to Pandoc

jtex is a data-driven templating library, not a document translation package, and although jtex is designed to work with the open-source MyST community, it can also work with pandoc when not using pandoc in "standalone" mode. This creates the inner LaTeX\LaTeX inputs that can be used with jtex.

For example, converting a document into latex using pandoc can then be rendered in a jtex template:

pandoc -o my_content.tex --bibliography references.bib --biblatex
jtex render my_content.tex --template arxiv --frontmatter frontmatter.yml

It is also possible to use Pandoc to create LaTeX\LaTeX templates, and there are a number of different decisions that jtex has taken in comparison. Specifically, jtex was designed with:

  • an easy to read syntax that stands out against LaTeX\LaTeX
  • full template creation, without needing inheritance, default partials, or any other default decisions
  • a well-used templating language, jinja, with full support for variables and control-flow
  • entirely web-friendly langauges (no lua filters)
  • a permissive open-source license and community (no GPL restrictions or copyright assignment)

Pandoc templating overview

Pandoc comes with a built-in templating feature, which is powerful and links to Pandoc’s underlying data structures.

Pandoc’s templating syntax is very close to the Jinja style that we have embraced in jtex templates, with variable interpolation, control flow, partial templates, and filters all available with specializations for different output formats.

For LaTeX, Pandoc provides a complete default template that allows the rendering of a document with metadata and content. The default template covers everything from beamer presentations, posters, to potentially any journal template. This is complete but complex, and requires any new template to have a deep understanding of pandoc before their template can be created. For users to make their own templates, this can be pretty overwhelming.

No inheritance

In jtex a user can take the style guide provided by a journal and simply remove the default content, and put in variables, based on standardized Document Model or additional data-driven options. There is no breaking up a template into partials and no filters necessary.

In pandoc converting a journal supplied style-guide to a template requires you to break up the template into partials, e.g. before-body.tex, as well as provide custom Lua filters that integrate with pandoc. The final template/extension is much further away from the original LaTeX\LaTeX template.

We believe that pandoc is very powerful, but requires much more knowledge to contribute a template, and those final templates are harder to keep in sync with the original templates because of all the differences.

Template syntax

The template syntax that pandoc uses is $if(beamer)$ and ${ variable }. Both brackets and dollar signs are used in LaTeX\LaTeX markup, making it quite difficult to do syntax highlighting or rendering on the template without pandoc in the loop.

In jtex we have chosen a templating syntax (e.g. [# if beamer #] and [- variable -]) that works with LaTeX\LaTeX markup and any existing syntax highlighters. This can help authors when they are writing their own templates.

Data driven

One of the drivers behind jtex is to expose submission requirements for authors when they are writing their documents. These can surface any problems with your work in sensible error messages, with the descriptions directly from the journals that you are submitting to.

For example, here is an excerpt from the AGU template, which requires a data availability statement, which is a part of the document.

  - id: availability
    required: true
    description: |
      AGU requires an Availability Statement for the underlying data needed to understand, evaluate, and build upon the reported research at the time of peer review and publication.
  - type: choice
    id: journal_name
    title: AGU Journal Name
      - 'JGR: Atmospheres'
      - 'JGR: Biogeosciences'
      - 'JGR: Earth Surface'

In MyST, these parts can be defined as blocks +++ { "part": "availability" } or through the command line arguments in jtex directly.

These fields and parts can have additional fields (e.g. max characters) to validate your documents and raise warnings or errors. This helps ensure that your documents are in the correct form, as well as to structure that metadata for communicating and archiving.

These goals of jtex are quite different than a universal document translator, which is aimed at converting between 100s of formats.

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