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Admonitions highlight a particular block of text that exists slightly apart from the narrative of your page, like so:


Admonition node for drawing attention to text, separate from the neighboring content

type: string, (“admonition”)
See also Node
kind: string, optional, (“attention” | “caution” | “danger” | “error” | “hint” | “important” | “note” | “seealso” | “tip” | “warning”)
kind of admonition, to determine styling
class: string, optional
admonition class info to override kind
children: array, optional, (AdmonitionTitle | FlowContent)
An optional admonitionTitle followed by the admonitions content.
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


```{admonition} This is a title
  An example of an admonition with a _title_.
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