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Any of Paragraph | Definition | Heading! | ThematicBreak | Blockquote | List | HTML | Code | Comment | Target | Directive | Admonition | Container | Math | Table | FootnoteDefinition


Only ListItem


Any of StaticPhrasingContent | Emphasis | Strong | Link | LinkReference | Subscript | Superscript | Underline | Abbreviation | CrossReference | FootnoteReference


Any of Text | HTML | EmphasisStatic | StrongStatic | InlineCode | Break | Image | ImageReference | Role | SubscriptStatic | SuperscriptStatic | UnderlineStatic | InlineMath


Top-level break in the myst document, breaking it into Blocks

type: string, (“blockBreak”)
See also Node
meta: string, optional
Block metadata. Conventionally this is a stringified JSON dictionary but it may be any arbitrary string.
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Top-level content blocks or cells the myst document, delimited by BlockBreaks

type: string, (“block”)
See also Node
meta: string, optional
block metadata from preceding break; conventionally, a stringified JSON dictionary but may be any arbitrary string
children: array, optional, (FlowContent | ListContent | PhrasingContent)
Top-level children of myst document
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Custom in-line behavior

type: string, (“mystRole”)
See also Node
name: string
No description for this property.
value: string, optional
content of the directive
children: array, optional, (PhrasingContent)
parsed role content
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Content block with predefined behavior

type: string, (“mystDirective”)
See also Node
name: string
No description for this property.
args: string, optional
No description for this property.
options: object, optional
No description for this property.
value: string, optional
body of the directive, excluding options
children: array, optional, (FlowContent | PhrasingContent)
parsed directive content
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Target node - provides identifier/label for the following node

type: string, (“mystTarget”)
See also Node
label: string, optional
unresolved target label
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


In-line reference to an associated node

type: string, (“crossReference”)
See also Node
kind: string, optional, (“eq” | “numref” | “ref”)
Indicates if the references should be numbered.
children: array, optional, (StaticPhrasingContent)
Children of the crossReference, can include text with “%s” or “{number}” and enumerated references will be filled in.
identifier: string
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Abbreviation node described by title

type: string, (“abbreviation”)
See also Node
children: array, (StaticPhrasingContent)
abbreviated value
See also Parent
title: string, optional
advisory information for the abbreviation
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Admonition node for drawing attention to text, separate from the neighboring content

type: string, (“admonition”)
See also Node
kind: string, optional, (“attention” | “caution” | “danger” | “error” | “hint” | “important” | “note” | “seealso” | “tip” | “warning”)
kind of admonition, to determine styling
class: string, optional
admonition class info to override kind
children: array, optional, (AdmonitionTitle | FlowContent)
An optional admonitionTitle followed by the admonitions content.
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Custom title for admonition, replaces kind as title

type: string, (“admonitionTitle”)
See also Node
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Top-level container node to provide association and numbering to child content

type: string, (“container”)
See also Node
kind: string, (“figure” | “table”)
kind of container contents
class: string, optional
any custom class information
enumerated: boolean, optional
count this container for numbering based on kind, e.g. Figure 1a
enumerator: string, optional
resolved enumerated value for this container
children: array, (Caption | Legend | Image | Table)
See also Parent
identifier: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Caption for container content

type: string, (“caption”)
See also Node
children: array, (FlowContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Legend for container content

type: string, (“legend”)
See also Node
children: array, (FlowContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Inline reference to footnote

type: string, (“footnoteReference”)
See also Node
identifier: string
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Rich footnote content associated with footnote reference

type: string, (“footnoteDefinition”)
See also Node
children: array, (FlowContent)
See also Parent
identifier: string
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Math node for presenting numbered equations

type: string, (“math”)
See also Node
enumerated: boolean, optional
count this math block for numbering based on kind, e.g. See equation (1a)
enumerator: string, optional
resolved enumerated value for this math block
identifier: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
value: string
See also Literal
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Fragment of math, similar to InlineCode, using role {math}

type: string, (“inlineMath”)
See also Node
value: string
See also Literal
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Two-dimensional table data

type: string, (“table”)
See also Node
align: string, optional, (“left” | “center” | “right”)
No description for this property.
children: array, (TableRow)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


One row of table containing cells

type: string, (“tableRow”)
See also Node
children: array, (TableCell)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


One cell of table

type: string, (“tableCell”)
See also Node
header: boolean, optional
No description for this property.
align: string, optional, (“left” | “center” | “right”)
alignment of content within cell
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Subscript content, using role {subscript}

type: string, (“subscript”)
See also Node
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Subscript content, with static children; used when parent node requires static content

type: string, (“subscript”)
See also Node
children: array, (StaticPhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Superscript content, using role {superscript}

type: string, (“superscript”)
See also Node
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Superscript content, with static children; used when parent node requires static content

type: string, (“superscript”)
See also Node
children: array, (StaticPhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Underline content, using role {underline}

type: string, (“underline”)
See also Node
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Underline content, with static children; used when parent node requires static content

type: string, (“underline”)
See also Node
children: array, (StaticPhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Comment nodes for comments present in myst but ignored upon render

type: string, (“mystComment”)
See also Node
value: string
See also Literal
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


type: string, (“paragraph”)
See also Node
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


type: string, (“heading”)
See also Node
depth: integer
No description for this property.
enumerated: boolean, optional
count this heading for numbering based on kind, e.g. Section 2.4.1
enumerator: string, optional
resolved enumerated value for this heading
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
identifier: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


type: string, (“thematicBreak”)
See also Node
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


type: string, (“blockquote”)
See also Node
children: array, (FlowContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


type: string, (“list”)
See also Node
ordered: boolean, optional
Is item order important or not?
start: integer, optional
Starting number of ordered list
spread: boolean, optional
One or more children are separated with a blank line from others
children: array, (ListContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


type: string, (“listItem”)
See also Node
spread: boolean, optional
One or more children are separated with a blank line from others
children: array, (PhrasingContent | FlowContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Fragment of raw HTML - does not need to be valid or complete

type: string, (“html”)
See also Node
value: string
See also Literal
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Block of preformatted text

type: string, (“code”)
See also Node
lang: string, optional
language of the code
meta: string, optional
custom information relating to the node
class: string, optional
user-defined class for code block
showLineNumbers: boolean, optional
No description for this property.
startingLineNumber: integer, optional
No description for this property.
emphasizeLines: array, optional, (integer)
No description for this property.
identifier: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
value: string
See also Literal
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Reference to a url resource

type: string, (“definition”)
See also Node
identifier: string
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
url: string
See also Resource
title: string, optional
See also Resource
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


type: string, (“text”)
See also Node
value: string
See also Literal
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Stressed, italicized content

type: string, (“emphasis”)
See also Node
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Stressed, italicized content, with static children; used when parent node requires static content

type: string, (“emphasis”)
See also Node
children: array, (StaticPhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Important, serious, urgent, bold content

type: string, (“strong”)
See also Node
children: array, (PhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Important, serious, urgent, bold content, with static children; used when parent node requires static content

type: string, (“strong”)
See also Node
children: array, (StaticPhrasingContent)
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Fragment of code

type: string, (“inlineCode”)
See also Node
value: string
See also Literal
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Line break

type: string, (“break”)
See also Node
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


type: string, (“link”)
See also Node
children: array, (StaticPhrasingContent)
See also Parent
url: string
See also Resource
title: string, optional
See also Resource
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Image hyperlink

type: string, (“image”)
See also Node
class: string, optional
user-defined class for image
width: string, optional
image width in pixels or percentage
align: string, optional, (“left” | “center” | “right”)
No description for this property.
url: string
See also Resource
title: string, optional
See also Resource
alt: string, optional
See also Alternative
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Hyperlink through association

type: string, (“linkReference”)
See also Node
children: array, (StaticPhrasingContent)
See also Parent
referenceType: string, (“shortcut” | “collapsed” | “full”)
See also Reference
identifier: string
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Image through association

type: string, (“imageReference”)
See also Node
referenceType: string, (“shortcut” | “collapsed” | “full”)
See also Reference
identifier: string
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
alt: string, optional
See also Alternative
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node


Reference to external resource

url: string
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to an external resource or link.
title: string, optional
advisory information, e.g. for a tooltip


Internal relation from one node to another; not required by node

identifier: string, optional
identifier that may match another node; value is unparsed and must be normalized such that whitespace is collapsed to single space, initial/final space is trimmed, and case is folded
label: string, optional
node label; character escapes and references are parsed; may be normalized to a unique identifier


Internal relation from one node to another

identifier: string
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
node label; character escapes and references are parsed; may be normalized to a unique identifier
See also OptionalAssociation


Alternative description of image

alt: string, optional
field describing the image


Marker associated to another node

referenceType: string, (“shortcut” | “collapsed” | “full”)
explicitness of the reference: shortcut - reference is implicit, identifier inferred collapsed - reference explicit, identifier inferred full - reference explicit, identifier explicit


Base node object, based on the unist syntax tree.

type: string
identifier for node variant
data: object, optional
information associated by the ecosystem with the node; never specified by mdast
position: object, optional, (Position)
location of node in source file; must not be present for generated nodes


Basic node with required string value

value: string
The value of the node
type: string
identifier for node variant
See also Node
data: object, optional
information associated by the ecosystem with the node; never specified by mdast
See also Node
position: object, optional, (Position)
location of node in source file; must not be present for generated nodes
See also Node


Basic node with required node children

children: array, (Node)
List of children nodes
type: string
identifier for node variant
See also Node
data: object, optional
information associated by the ecosystem with the node; never specified by mdast
See also Node
position: object, optional, (Position)
location of node in source file; must not be present for generated nodes
See also Node


One place in a source file

line: integer
line in the source file, 1-indexed
column: integer
column in the source file, 1-indexed
offset: integer, optional
offset character in the source file, 0-indexed


Location of a node in a source file

start: object, (Point)
place of first character of parsed source region
end: object, (Point)
place of first character after parsed source region, whether it exists or not
indent: array, optional, (integer)
start column at each index in the source region, for elements that span multiple lines


Myst syntax tree built on existing mdast schemas

type: string, (“root”)
See also Node
children: array, (Block | BlockBreak | FlowContent)
Top-level children of myst document
See also Parent
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node
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