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Image Node Specification

Image hyperlink

type: string, (“image”)
See also Node
class: string, optional
user-defined class for image
width: string, optional
image width in pixels or percentage
align: string, optional, (“left” | “center” | “right”)
No description for this property.
url: string
See also Resource
title: string, optional
See also Resource
alt: string, optional
See also Alternative
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node

Image Node Example



Container Node Specification

Top-level container node to provide association and numbering to child content

type: string, (“container”)
See also Node
kind: string, (“figure” | “table”)
kind of container contents
class: string, optional
any custom class information
enumerated: boolean, optional
count this container for numbering based on kind, e.g. Figure 1a
enumerator: string, optional
resolved enumerated value for this container
children: array, (Caption | Legend | Image | Table)
See also Parent
identifier: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
label: string, optional
See also OptionalAssociation
position: object, optional, (Position)
See also Node
data: object, optional
See also Node

Container Node Example

This is the figure caption!

Something! A legend!?
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