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Jinja LaTeX Templates

Beamer Template

Beamer slides are created in MyST by separating them out into blocks, denoted by the +++ markup with optional metadata in JSON.

+++ { "outline": true }

# Introduction

## Background


### My Background Slide Title

This is some background on beamer templates, use a combination:

- of `myst-to-tex` for conversion; and
- `jtex` for templating.

For simple presentations, all you need to know is the +++ to separate your slides. Beamer also allows you to create headers that are outside of the slide content, which help structure a talk outline. If you also want content that is outside of your slide frames, use the block metadata and put { "outline": true } to indicate that that block should be treated as the outline. If outline is set to true, the entire contents of the block will not be included in a slide, you should only include heading information in these slides.

Additionally, if the first content encountered in a block is a header (of any depth), the header will be used as the frametitle, which is often displayed differently in a presentation. The MyST markdown above will turn into:



\frametitle{My Background Slide Title}

This is some background on beamer templates, use a combination:

\item of \texttt{myst-to-tex} for conversion; and
\item \texttt{jtex} for templating.
MyST MarkdownMyST Markdown
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