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Callouts, or “admonitions”, highlight a particular block of text that exists slightly apart from the narrative of your page, such as a note or a warning. For example, try changing the following example of a {tip} admonition to a {warning}:

In MyST we call these kind of directives {admonitions}, however, they are almost always used through their named directives, like {note} or {danger}. Admonitions can be styled as simple or as a dropdown, and can optionally hide the icon using the {admonition.class} option. There are ten kinds[1] of admonitions available:

Table 1:Named admonitions that can be used as directives

🔵 {note}🟠 {attention}
🔵 {important}🟠 {caution}
🟢 {hint}🟠 {warning}
🟢 {seealso}🔴 {danger}
🟢 {tip}🔴 {error}

See below for a demo of each admonition in the default theme.

See Also

Admonition Titles

All admonitions have a single argument ({docs.arg}), which is the admonition title and can use markdown. If a title argument is not supplied the first node of the {admonition.body} is used if it is a heading or a paragraph with fully bold text; otherwise the name of the directive is used (e.g. seealso becomes See Also; note becomes Note).

Admonition Dropdown

To turn an admonition into a dropdown, add the dropdown {admonition.class} to them. Dropdown admonitions use the <details> HTML element (meaning they also will work without Javascript!), and they can be helpful when including text that shouldn’t immediately visible to your readers.

  1. These admonitions are the same as those used in docutils and Sphinx.

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