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To add a glossary to your content, add the {glossary} directive with the content as definition lists.

The glossary can be in a different page, as long as it is parsed by your project. See an example glossary.

Referencing a Term

To reference a term in a glossary use the {term} role:

The label that you use for the term should be in the same case/spacing as it appears in the glossary. If there is additional syntax (e.g. a link) in the term, the text only representation will be used. The term is rendered as a cross-reference to the glossary and will provide a hover-reference.


To create an abbreviation, you can explicitly do this in your document with an abbreviation role, for example, {abbr}`HR (Heart Rate)`. You can also use the page or project frontmatter:

The abbreviations are case-sensitive and will replace all instances[1] in your document with a hover-tooltip and accessibility improvements. Abbreviations in cross-references, code, and links are not replaced. For example, in this project we have a lot of abbreviations defined in our myst.yml:

Our OA journal ensures your VoR is JATS XML with a PID (usually a DOI) to ensure LTS.

  • TLA Soup
  1. Note that this has a challenge of not being able to have two terms for the same definition.

  2. Abbreviations must be at least two characters!

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