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GitHub Pages allows you to host static HTML files online from GitHub repositories using GitHub Actions. This page has important information for how to do so.


To get setup with GitHub Pages, ensure that your repository is hosted in GitHub and you are in the root of the Git repository. There’s a special init function which adds the proper configuration for deploying to GitHub Pages with a GitHub Action.

🛠 In the root of your git repository run myst init --gh-pages

The command will ask you questions about which branch to deploy from (e.g. main) and the name of the GitHub Action (e.g. deploy.yml). It will then create a GitHub Action[1] that will run next time you push your code to the main branch you specified.

The command myst init --gh-pages will guide you through deploying to GitHub Pages.

The command myst init --gh-pages will guide you through deploying to GitHub Pages.

🛠 In your repository, navigate to Settings -> Pages and enable GitHub Pages by choosing GitHub Actions as the source.

This has activated GitHub Pages to accept new HTML from GitHub actions.

To trigger the action, push new commits of code to the branch that you’ve configured with the action above. You should start seeing your website show up at <githuborg><githubrepo>.

BASE_URL Configuration for GitHub Pages

The MyST CLI needs to know the destination (base URL) or your site during build time. If you setup deployment to GitHub Pages using the myst init --gh-pages command, then this is handled automatically for you. Otherwise, if you deploy your website from a repository that’s not the default GitHub Pages repository (i.e., not called <username>, you likely need to define a BASE_URL that includes the repository name.[2]

Example: A Full GitHub Action

The GitHub Action below builds and deploys your site automatically. Click the dropdown to show it, and copy/paste/modify as you like.

  1. To learn more about GitHub Actions, see the GitHub documentation. These are YAML files created in the .github/workflows folder in the root of your repository.

  2. If you’re using a custom domain, you may not need to set BASE_URL if the site is served from the base domain (e.g.: without a sub-folder (e.g.,

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